A program of the Lawrence Hall of Science that seeks to increase ocean literacy through informal and formal education initiatives
Marine Activities, Resources & Education

Swim with the Sharks. Lurk with the Lions. Mingle with the Monkeys.
Award-winning children’s book author, Madeleine Dunphy, will guide your classes through some of the world’s most fascinating ecosystems, from the tropical rain forest to the arctic tundra. Her interactive presentations challenge, inform, and entertain. Best of all, they involve students in the web of life. Madeleine’s books have won awards from the National Science Teachers Association, Children’s Book Council, and the International Reading Association, among others. She is a curriculum designer with a Masters Degree in Education who has taught at the California Academy of Sciences, Lawrence Hall of Science and dozens of elementary schools. To research her books, Madeleine traveled as far as the Amazon rain forest, African savanna and Great Barrier Reef.

Contact Name: 
Madeleine Dunphy
(510) 428-1945
Org Activity Type: