A program of the Lawrence Hall of Science that seeks to increase ocean literacy through informal and formal education initiatives
Marine Activities, Resources & Education

Curriculum Overview

Knowing the Kelp Forest

Kelp Forest closeup imageGazing from shore at the gently swaying surface of a kelp forest canopy, it's difficult to imagine the activity below. But from holdfast to blade this algal forest is home to bizarre invertebrates and fish of every imaginable color, size, and form. It's also the unique home of the endangered, yet recovering, sea otter.

Read Up! Natural History

At MARE's request, naturalist Robin Milton Love wrote this accessible background essay on the natural history of the Kelp Forest.

MARE's Teacher Background for the Kelp Forest (pdf)


You can now search for Habitat specific web links through the Resource Materials search.

To find general web links about ocean sciences, visit the useful web links page in our News section.

Teaching the Kelp Forest

Sea Otter at play

The 4th grade MARE curriculum includes themes of Light and Color Underwater, Fish Adaptations, Sea Otters, Seaweed, and Human Uses of Seaweed.

Join MARE's Kelp Forest Forum!

Contribute your ideas and ask questions of other people teaching about the Kelp Forest. New features of this website and professional development opportunities will also be shared in the Forum.

Visit the Kelp Forest Forum now!

A Kelp Forest in Your Classroom

Mrs. McGibbon's fourth grade at Grant Elementary in Eureka, CA transforms their classroom into a kelp forest!

Mrs. McGibbon's fourth grade at Grant Elementary in Eureka, CA transforms their classroom into a kelp forest!

Field Trip Tips

Whether you visit a real or a virtual kelp forest, balance the need to identify what your students see with the need to observe it. Help them get more out of seeing an organism than just its name!

Order Now, Grade 4 Kelp Forest

Kelp Forest Teacher Guides may be ordered at our online store or directly from MARE.